Meet Tanesia

Greetings, I’m truly delighted that you’re here. Here’s a little about me: I was born on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois and was brought to California by my mother at the age of six. Shortly after that transition my mother and I experienced several unfortunate events that led to homelessness. Given our circumstance I was taken from my mother and put into foster care at the age of seven. Being taken from my mother took a tremendous toll on her mental health which she has never recovered, therefore I remained in the system as a ward of the court with no parental support until I graduated from high school and was emancipated at age 17. Growing up in the foster care system was very difficult and lacked guidance of any kind. Nonetheless, I was born with an extremely determined drive, through that I learned early that I alone needed to make things happen for myself. I’ve had many angels in human form step into my life along the way. I am sincerely grateful for them all as this is what kept me going in the right direction.
From an early age I was very intuitive and knew that I was meant for something great in this lifetime. After emancipation I attended California State University Los Angeles to live on campus only to ensure that I had housing. Through the process I found that I was very intrigued about people’s behavior and the Psychology of the mind as well as comparative religion. After four years I graduated with a BA in Psychology with an emphasis in behavior modification. Through comparative religion courses I researched and questioned all that I was told. I learned to think opposed to live life as I was told. This led me on my spiritual journey connecting with source. I became very successful, immediately after graduation I managed the entire operation and handled all accounting and payroll for a private tennis club in Hancock Park Los Angeles, I’ve owned and operated a thriving preschool that gave back to the community in Windsor Hills, CA for 12 ½ years. I was a licensed California Realtor and invested in several properties in and out of the state of California. I currently own a talent management company where I manage a collective of working clients for TV, Film, Commercial, Voiceovers and print. I’m a current member of the Talent Managers Association, which has allowed me the opportunity to work with the top agents and casting directors in Hollywood. Given that I was always into business I obtained an MBA from North Central University as well. After every accomplishment I still felt as if something was missing and I was meant for more. From there I began my journey of healing and self-exploration. I started by meeting the family of my father whom I had never met or known, this was a very releasing experience. I then realized that I had never dealt with my pain from the past, I just pushed through as I always had. I had accumulated tons of emotional trauma and never addressed it. At that point I had to go inward and comprehend how to understand my traumas and release them! I learned the significance of forgiveness, releasing and letting go to all that was no longer serving me. I also learned to release my fears because I realized that I was the only one standing in my way to the life that I truly deserved and wanted, and it was all on the other side of my fears. I began to heal myself through shadow work, meditation, acupuncture, living a holistic lifestyle and starting my journey to becoming a vegan. I healed mind, body and spirit. This helped me to ascend to higher levels of consciousness and allowed me to navigate life with authentic purpose. I learned to awaken my senses and let my intuition guide me to peace. I found that all I needed was and is inside of me. I realized that everything that I perceived happened to me in my life, actually happened for me and was all divinely designed as lessons for my greater good. I also realized how much I was always covered by something greater. All of my experiences were valuable lessons that led me to where I am today. I am sincerely grateful for every learning experience that appeared as obstacles. I am fully awakened to my souls purpose as a lightworker, which is to assist you on your healing journey to reach higher levels of consciousness and in turn empower you to find your purpose so that you will achieve all that you deserve in this life. That said, please allow me to help you awaken your dormant senses and free yourself so that you can live the life of your wildest dreams. I’d love to help you through your traumas to open new doors and assist in creating the life that you deserve. Through all of the ups and downs, I’ve found that connecting your truth and healing your past while living authentically is a part of overall wellness and success. I’m here to support you on your healing journey and guide you to break generational curses and reclaim your birthright which is infinite abundance in every area of your life. I focus on getting to the source of recurring challenges, clearing away traumas and rebalancing the flow of energy in your life. Let’s remove all conscious and unconscious blocks so that you can create the, “pinch me” life of your dreams, a life that you’re excited to wake up to every day. Let’s create space to leap into infinite possibilities. You are enough because everything you need is already inside of you! Let’s uncover it! I’m honored to assist you!
- Experience a 100% safe and confidential loving space for growth.
- We are here to make long lasting and positive change in your life in the shortest period of time as possible, therefore, I highly value integrity, commitment, and excellence in our work.
Greetings, I’m delighted that you’re here. Here’s a little about me: I was born on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois and was brought to California at the age of six. After that transition my mother and I experienced homelessness. Given our circumstance I was taken from my mother and put into foster care at the age of seven. Being taken from my mother took a tremendous toll on her mental health which she has never recovered, therefore I remained in the system with no parental support until I graduated from High school and was emancipated at age 17. Growing up in the foster care system was very difficult and lacked guidance of any kind. Nonetheless, I was born with an extremely determined drive, through that I learned early that I alone needed to make things happen for myself. I’ve had many angels in human form step into my life along the way. I am sincerely grateful for them all as this is what kept me going in the right direction. From an early age I was very intuitive and knew that I was meant for something great in this lifetime. After emancipation I attended California State University Los Angeles to live on campus only to ensure that I had housing. Through the process I found that I was very intrigued about people’s behavior and the Psychology of the mind as well as comparative religion. After four years I graduated with a BA in Psychology with an emphasis in behavior modification. Through comparative religion courses I researched and questioned all that I was told. This led me on my spiritual journey connecting with source. I became very successful, immediately after graduation I managed the entire operation and handled all accounting and payroll for a private tennis club in Hancock Park Los Angeles, I’ve owned and operated a thriving preschool that gave back to the community in Windsor Hills, CA for 12 ½ years. I was a licensed California Realtor and invested in several properties. I currently own a talent management company where I manage a collective of working clients for TV, Film, Commercial, Voiceovers and print, I work with the top agents and casting directors of Hollywood. I’m a current member of the Talent Managers Association. Given that I was always into business I obtained an MBA from Concord University. After every accomplishment I still felt as if something was missing and I was meant for more. From there I began my journey of self-exploration. I started by meeting the family of my father whom I had never met or known, this was a very releasing experience. I then realized that I had never dealt with my pain from the past, I just pushed through as I always had. I had accumulated tons of emotional trauma and never addressed it. At that point I had to go inward and comprehend how to understand my traumas and release them! I learned the significance of forgiveness, releasing and letting go to all that was not serving me. I also learned to release my fears because I realized that I was the only one standing in my way to the life that I truly deserved and wanted, and it was all on the other side of my fears. I began to heal myself through shadow work, meditation, acupuncture, living a holistic lifestyle and starting my journey to becoming a vegan. I healed mind, body and spirit. This helped me to ascend to higher levels of consciousness and allowed me to navigate life with authentic purpose. I learned to awaken my senses and let my intuition guide me to peace. I found that all I needed was and is inside of me. I realized that everything that has happened to me in my life, actually happened for me and was all divinely designed for my greater good. I also realized how much I was always covered by something greater. All of my experiences were valuable lessons that led me to where I am today. I am sincerely grateful for every learning experience that appeared as obstacles. I am fully awakened to my souls purpose as a lightworker, which is to assist you on your healing journey to reach higher levels of consciousness and in turn empower you to find your purpose so that you will achieve all that you deserve in this life. That said, allow me to help you awaken your dormant senses and free yourself so that you can live the life of your wildest dreams. I’d love to help you through your traumas to open new doors and assist in creating the life that you deserve. Through all of the ups and downs, I’ve found that connecting your truth and healing your past while living authentically is a part of overall wellness and success. I’m here to support you on your healing journey and guide you to break generational curses and reclaim your birthright which is infinite abundance in every area of your life. I focus on getting to the source of recurring challenges, clear away traumas and rebalancing the flow of energy in your life. Let’s remove all conscious and unconscious blocks so that you can create the, “pinch me” life of your dreams, a life you’re excited to wake up to every day. Let’s create space to leap into infinite possibilities. You are enough because everything you need is already inside of you! Let’s uncover it! I’m honored to assist you!

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Question #1
Now, imagine this...Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other’s people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams.
Question #2
Now, imagine this...Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other’s people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams.
Question #3
Now, imagine this...Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other’s people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams.
Question #4
Now, imagine this...Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other’s people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams.