
Mindset Affirmations



Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.
  • I am vibrating at the same energy as money! Money wants me and finds me from expected and unexpected sources and I welcome it!
  • I forgive myself for the many ways and the many times knowingly or unknowingly, I have chosen to harm or hurt myself or others. And send loving energy to all with gratitude for the many experiences and lessons we have shared.
  • I can do anything I set my mind to. The power that exists within me is limitless. I am fueled and filled with unlimited potential. My journey ahead lies with infinite possibilities of love, light, awareness and guidance. Anything I choose is what I’m destined to become.
  • Today I choose to forgive my younger self, believe in my current self and create the best version of my future self.
  • If I don’t change my thinking I will have the same experiences.
  • I allow only healthy and loving relationships into my life.
  • I let go and release all that no longer serves me
  • I have made mistakes but I will not let them define me.
  • My worth is innate, and can not be taken away from me. By divine right, I am in alignment to receiving all that is meant for me. I learn to trust the timing in my life.
  • Each day 1 am getting closer to achieving my goals
  • I am good enough just as I am
  • I invite harmony and honesty to all of my relationships
  • I am strong, I am brave, I am resilient, I am capable of overcoming all obsticles. Dear self, I’m going to get us where we need to be, hang tight!
  • I am calm and centered, I adapt to changes easily
  • I am so lucky that everything works out for me, even if I don’t see or know it in the moment
  • My worth is priceless and I powerfully show up & invest in myself
  • I have the power to create the life that I want
  • I release all blocks and allow abundance to flow in There are no limits to what I can and will achieve
  • Divine love and wisdom, I call upon you now.I know that my mind and emotions are eternally and continuously connected to you. I ask my higher self to be aware an conscious of the love and light that is within every person and situation.
  • I effortlessly follow the follow the flow of light and life force energy which illuminates my highest path
  • My thoughts become my reality

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