

Now, imagine this…Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other’s people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams.
Now, imagine this…Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other’s people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams.
Now, imagine this…Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other’s people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams.


Meditation makes you realize the eternal truth and let go of all that has happened and will happen. The present is where you want to be and find solace in. The need to practice meditation comes from an innate longing to see and think beyond the chaotic world surrounding you.

Meditation is something everyone can do, here’s how.

1) Take a seat or lay down in a place that feels calm, quiet and comfortable to you.

2) You can turn on solfeggio frequencies or binaural beats to assist you in concentration. Look below for a few to use.

3) Close your eyes…

4) Bring attention to each body part and intentionally relax it…

5) Take deep breaths (diaphragmatic breathing)…

6) Notice your body…

7) Feel your breath…

8) Notice when your mind has wandered…

9) Be kind to your wandering mind…

10) Use affirmations, speak your desires into existence…

11) Quiet your mind and wait for the answers to come to you…

12) Close with kindness…

That’s it!

The reason meditation is so powerful is because it causes shifts in our awareness. Many people over-identify with their thoughts and emotions, which can prolong them and make them feel bigger than they are. Specific thoughts or feelings can agonize us for days on end.

Meditation lets you become more aware and more purposeful about your actions. It teaches you how to respond, rather than react, to situations in your life. Meditation sounds simple. But it takes discipline to remain still in body and mind.


The emotional and physical benefits of meditation can include:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations.
  • Building skills to manage your stress.
  • Increasing self-awareness.
  • Focusing on the present.
  • Reducing negative emotions.
  • Increasing imagination and creativity.
  • Increasing patience and tolerance.


Tips for Manifesting Abundance:

  1. Be a vibrational match. Science and quantum physics backs manifestation…
  2. Embody who you want to be. Imagine that you could reach out and grab whatever version of who you want to be and bring it into your body so you ARE who you want to be…
  3. Surrender and release…
  4. Receive and stay open…


“Everything in life is vibration.” –Albert Einstein

Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds. This includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. Human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way you communicate the thoughts you think. In simple terms, some molecules vibrate faster and some vibrate slower; there are higher vibrations and lower vibrations.

When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused. Almost all spiritual traditions point the way toward higher realms of consciousness, and scientific studies (like that of consciousness research and spirituality author Dr. David Hawkins) have even quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness.


“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.”

We are all meant to play or excellence in this game called life. It requires tapping into Spiritual power and inner growth which leads to the transformation of our authentic self. 

Learning to expand your consciousness through meditation will lead you to the alignment of your calling,  by visioning, increasing your vitality and motivation by goal setting, learning principles of manifestation for spiritual success, abundance and prosperity that will change your life for the better. I’m delighted to hold your hand and assist you on your way to higher consciousness so that you can experience heaven on earth.

Listen to the Binaural beats below to assist you in vibrating the same as the abundance that you seek.

See what my clients have to say!