
Solfeggio Frequencies-Binaural Beats

Solfeggio Frequencies/ Binaural Beats


Solfeggio Frequencies/ Binaural Beats

Exposing the body to Solfeggio Frequencies will assure you achieve balance and deep healing. Let’s talk about the music that we listen to daily and what the pure tone of today is. Most music you listen to today is tuned to 440 Hz. It’s not just the music that you listen to it’s also your television, radio and anything else that you listen to on an electric device. The frequency of the Universe is 432 Hz. The brain processes information electrically, operating with a particular band of frequency. Our brains decode frequencies the same way an antenna does. The frequency that we are accustomed to in our everyday life 440 Hz is an unnatural standard tuning frequency that is lacking symmetry of sacred vibrations. The switch from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was ordered by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister. He utilized it to make people think and feel a certain way and in prison them within a particular state of awareness/ consciousness. The United States then introduced 440 Hz to the rest of the world in 1940 and it was adopted in 1953. 432Hz is logical, sacred and pure heart felt energy, while 440 Hz enhances hostility, entrains thoughts towards disruption and disunity. It disconnects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

In 2011 Russian biophysicist Dr. Pjotr Garjajev conducted several studies modifying DNA using sound and light frequencies. Those studies were a major success, transforming the DNA of from embryos to salamander embryos through frequency alone. Scientists refer to 98.5% of our DNA “Junk DNA”, it’s considered useless because we use less than 2% of our DNA to actually code the instructions for the proteins that make up and power our bodies. Unlocking the “Junk DNA” could be the key to unlocking our full potential, for healing and abilities that could be considered “Supernatural”.

Wealth Accelerator 432hz 


Creativity Frequency


Attention Frequency

B1. The Attention Frequency.mp3

Abundance DNA Frequency


Solfeggio frequencies are nine tones derived from numerology were used centuries ago. These frequencies are believed to create positive shifts to those in proximity to them.

396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Healing sound frequency 396 Hz has beneficial effects on feeling of guilt. This frequency cleans the feeling of guilt which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization. Vibrations of music releases you from the feeling of guilt and fear. This solfeggio frequency is also used for awakening and turning grief into joy.

Benefits of 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency: –

It gives power to your Goals.
• It eradicates feeling of guilt, even the guilt residing deep in subconscious mind.
• It helps you to overcome the fear which is usually the main obstacle in realizing our dreams and goals.
• Liberates from subconscious negative beliefs and thoughts.
• Used for balancing Root Chakra.

417 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

417 Hz is one of the beautiful solfeggio frequencies which is known to wipe out all the negativity inside us. It is a frequency that can bring change; it marks the starts of new beginnings in the life, and it is so powerful that it can reverse and undo negative happenings.

Benefits of 417 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Removes Negative Energy from the body.
• Removes Negative Energy from the home and office.
• Removes Negative Thoughts and behavior patterns.
• Undo situations with Negative outcome.
• Facilitates change in you and others.
• To Come out of trauma.
• Is used for balancing Sacral Chakra.

528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz, is known as the Love Frequency, Miracle Tone, Frequency of Transformation. It is known for its powerful transformation effects on human body as it helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol in our body which is followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy. It also helps in balancing and tuning Solar Plexus Chakra which helps in more Self Confidence and Self Esteem. When we combine these 2 powerful sources of sound and vibration, what we get is totally miraculous.

Benefits of 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Promotes reducing stress hormone cortisol in our body.
• It brings transformation and miracles into your life.
• Heals chakras which is followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy.
• It also helps in balancing and tuning Solar Plexus Chakra which helps in more Self Confidence and Self Esteem.
• Used for balancing Solar Plexus Chakra.

639 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

639 Hz solfeggio frequency enables us to connect and balance harmonious interpersonal relationship. This is being used for bringing harmony in family, friends and in social circle. This ancient solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

Benefits of 639 Hz frequency includes

Enables creation of harmonious interpersonal relationships.
• This tone can be used for dealing with relationships problems – those in family, between partners, friends.
• Talking about cellular processes, 639 Hz frequency can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment.
• Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.
• Used for balancing Heart Chakra.

741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

741 Hz Solfeggio frequency is used for solving problems and awakening intuition. It cleans the cells from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. This tone will lead into pure, stable and spiritual life. This solfeggio frequency is helpful in leading a healthier and simple life.

Benefits of 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Cleans the Cells.
Removes Toxins and detoxifies the cells and organs.
Cleans the body and home, workspace from harmful electromagnetic radiations.
Purifies mind and body.
Promotes expression and solutions.
Used for balancing Throat Chakra

852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Solfeggio Frequency 852 Hz is used to raise awareness and return to spiritual order. This frequency is being used as means for opening a person up for communication with all –embracing spirit. It enables the cell to transform itself into a system of higher energy level

Benefits of 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Helps to return to spiritual order.
• Awakens intuition.
• Awakens inner strength.
• Raises cell energy
• Used for balancing Third Eye Chakra.

963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Solfeggio Frequency 963 Hz is associated with awakening intuition and activating Pineal Gland and also called Pure Miracle Tones. It awakens our crown chakra (Sahasrara) and raises the positive energy and vibrations and helps us to connect to our very source. We are made of vibration and energy. When crown chakra awakens and opens, we reach to the highest vibrational state and it opens the access to that infinite cosmic energy. This frequency reconnects you with the spirit and awakens any system to its original and perfect state. It enables you to experience Oneness and connect with the spiritual world.

Benefits of 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency.

It awakens any system to its original, perfect state.
When it is applied to a cell, it enables a kind of “cellular enlightenment” and transformation of the cell to a higher level.
Helps us return to Oneness -to our very source. If you feel disconnected with rest of the world, this frequency can help.
Used for balancing Crown Chakra
Binaural Beats

When you hear two tones — one in each ear — that are slightly different in frequency, your brain processes a beat at the difference of the frequencies. This is called a binaural beat.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’re listening to a sound in your left ear that’s at a frequency of 132 Hertz (Hz). And in your right ear, you’re listening to a sound that’s at a frequency of 121 Hz.

Your brain, however, gradually falls into synchrony with the difference — or 11 Hz. Instead of hearing two different tones, you instead hear a tone at 11 Hz (in addition to the two tones given to each ear).

Binaural beats have been explored in music and are sometimes used to help tune instruments, such as pianos and organs. More recently, they have been connected to potential health benefits.

What health benefits are binaural beats claimed to have?

Binaural beats are claimed to induce the same mental state associated with a meditation practice, but much more quickly. In effect, binaural beats are said to:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • increase focus and concentration
  • lower stress
  • increase relaxation
  • foster positive moods
  • promote creativity
  • help manage pain

Meditation is the practice of calming the mind and tuning down the number of random thoughts that pass through it.

A regular meditation practice has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, slow down the rate of brain aging and memory loss, promote mental health, and lengthen attention span. Practicing meditation regularly can be quite difficult, so people have looked to technology for help.

Binaural beats between 1 and 30 Hz are alleged to create the same brain wave pattern that one would experience during meditation. When you listen to a sound with a certain frequency, your brain waves will synchronize with that frequency.

The theory is that binaural beats can help create the frequency needed for your brain to create the same waves commonly experienced during a meditation practice. The use of binaural beats in this way is sometimes called brain wave entrainment technology.

When listening to binaural beats, it’s best to sit in a comfortable place free of distractions. Listening to the binaural beat audio for at least 30 minutes each day in your headphones ensures that the rhythm is entrained (has fallen into synchronization) throughout the brain.

You can experiment with the length of time you listen to the binaural beats to find out what works for you. For example, if you’re experiencing high levels of anxiety or stress, you may want to listen to the audio for a full hour or longer.

Remember, you must use headphones for binaural beats to work. You may also want to listen with your eyes closed.


You can naturally shift the speed and intensity of your thoughts by listening to tones that induce specific brain waves. Here’s how binaural beats work.

Ready to learn how to bio-hack your brain waves for more efficient thinking, better memory, and increased retention? The secret lies in binaural beats.

These simple tones can naturally shift the way your brain processes information. And they can be used for a variety of purposes, from increased productivity to better, more restful sleep.

Here’s what binaural beats are and how they work.

What Are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are a tone created in the brain when it’s presented with two different frequencies at the same time.

The state of your brain directly affects how well you perform activities and process information. If you want to achieve a meditative state, get a better night’s sleep, activate your body’s natural healing processes, or become more focused and productive, you simply need to change the state of your brain.

Believe it or not, it’s actually pretty easy to safely alter how your brain is functioning. Without taking any medication or drug, you can naturally shift the speed and intensity of your thoughts by listening to specified tones that induce different brainwave states.

Once you learn how the brain works and how binaural beats affect the brain, you’ll see that it’s a natural and easy process.

How does the brain work?

Your brain is a powerhouse of activity. It helps to think of your brain like the internet —all across the world, people (similar to your neurons) communicate with each other at nearly instantaneous speeds.

Neurons are tiny little cells in your brain that get excited, light up, and fire off information. The neurons in your brain talk to each other over a complicated network. Unlike internet networks that can get congested when there’s too much traffic, your brain’s network is a beautiful and harmonious symphony of exchanged information.

When those neurons fire off, they release small amounts of electricity, which we can measure using an EEG. And what scientists discovered a long time ago was that your brain produces frequencies that we call brainwaves.

The higher the brainwave frequency, the more alert, awake and reactive you feel. Lower brainwaves represent stages of rest and sleep.

How do you feel during different brain wave states?

To achieve a desired state of mind, you simply need to get your brain to imagine that it hears the frequency associated with the state you want to be in. Of course, to do this, you need to know your brain frequencies and how they make you feel:

Gamma: 38hz-42hz

Spiritual awakening, universal love, harmony. Gamma brainwaves are actually a bit of a mystery. They’re the highest frequency you can achieve, but scientists are a little dumbfounded by them.

Unlike Alpha and Beta, Gamma brainwaves don’t’ really translate to feeling active and alert. Rather, what’s been discovered is that in Gamma, neurons are firing so harmoniously that people often feel like they have a spiritual experience.

This brainwave state has been associated with expanding consciousness and understanding the value of universal love and harmony.

Beta: 12hz-38hz

Reaction, engagement, sensory experiences. These brainwaves take a lot of energy to produce, and you’ll feel really productive and focused when you’re in this state.

Your brain in Beta is actively engaged, aware, and reactive. This is a great state for short-term problem solving or being engaged in exciting activities. But it’s not a great state for long-term decision-making or really thinking through your actions.

Alpha: 8hz-12hz

Present, focused, aware. If you’re operating in Alpha mode, you’ll feel very present and at the moment. You might be somewhat reactive to the world around you, but you’ll feel like you have time to process what’s going on rather than just react on instinct. This is a wonderful state to achieve when meditating or doing something that requires coordination, focus, and learning.

Theta: 3hz – 8hz

Dreamy, otherworldly, surreal. You may have experienced Theta right before drifting off to sleep, during a lucid dream, or during deep meditation.

In Theta, you no longer sense the outside world, but you are aware and conscious of your internal world.

All of your subconscious fears, hopes, and judgments are hidden in the Theta state. Theta is a difficult state to achieve because you often drift out of it very quickly either becoming conscious in Alpha or moving on to the deeper state of Delta.

By staying in Theta, you can learn endless information about yourself and your consciousness.

Delta: 5hz – 3hz

Asleep, regenerative, healing. You won’t recall ever being in this state, but it’s an incredibly important brainwave for your health.

In this state, you will be deeply asleep, but not actively dreaming. Your body needs this state to heal and regenerate.

On a daily basis, you’ll need to achieve this state when you sleep at night to make sure your body can heal itself. When you’re feeling really sick, or your body and mind are working hard, you’ll want to stay in this state a little longer.

Do Binaural Beats Actually Work?

In 1837, a physicist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that listening to certain tones of sound could actually induce certain states of mind. If you listen to a tone of 410hz in your left ear and 400hz in your right ear, your brain will make up the difference and hear an imaginary tone of 10hz. This tone is the binaural beat.

When your brain makes up that imaginary beat, your brainwave syncs up to that specific frequency. In other words, if you listen to 410hz in one ear and 400hz in the other, your brain will start to resonate with the 10hz binaural beat. Your brainwaves will be at a frequency of 10hz.

Binaural beats research has shown that you can change how you feel simply by listening to binaural beat frequencies. If you want to feel active and alert, you can listen to tones that have a bigger difference in frequency. If you want to feel calmer or fall asleep, you can listen to tones that are closer together.

Can Binaural Beats Damage Your Brain?

Binaural beats cause momentary changes to the brain waves. Therefore, they do not damage your brain and are quite safe to use. They simply help encourage your brain to attain a brainwave state it’s fully capable of attaining all on its own.

What Are Binaural Beats Good For?

Binaural beats can be a great addition to your daily activities. For example:

1. Meditation
2. Sleeping
3. Studying

They also help:

1. Reduce anxiety
2. Lower stress
3. Increase relaxation
4. Increase focus
5. Promote creativity

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